Mass Destruction at the Pierce Mansion
Well, things are falling apart right nicely here at the Pierce Mansion. That's right, took out the middle bedroom and part of the hallway today. Plan is to complete most of the demolition upstairs, down the stairwell, the itty bitty closet bathroom and call for the dumpster. Then starts the really really fun stuff. Cleanup! Argh. Oh, you want pictures? Well, that can be arranged. I just have to wait for Dave-o to come home with the camera. He should be rolling back in here on Wednesday and back out again on Thursday. He's a minute man! Can't stay but a minute. LOL By then, I'm hoping to have the majority of the upstairs demo'd anyhow. If you don't know and are interested, we are removing any and all old drywall, concrete and lath. Taking it down to the studs. We have a set of plans for the Pierce Mansion and we'll rebuild this puppy from the inside out based on the drawings. We do have a few problem areas to address. For instance, the old chimney has to be removed. It has been removed from the roof, but left on the inside, so who knows what that's going to involve. Oh, wait. I know who can tell us == SUPER-Dave. He'll know what to do! So, yeah, I'm just working on the inside while poor Dave is working on the outside. Winter at my house, it's going to be a blast! Sorry if this is all a bit boring, but we are excited. Ever step we take, we want to shout it out! Dave is supposed to be home for a week at the end of this job and we are going to have a shindig so anyone who wants to physically see the deck can come on over. That will be just about one month from now. So mark it down and I'll get you details as we get closer. Hugs o' plenty. I'll post pictures in a day or so. Muah.
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