Upstairs demo, old stairs, etc.
Memories....ahhh, at last the old stairwell is nothing more than an old picture, a faded's gone forever, but shall forever remain in our hearts and the scars from removing the beast shall forever remain upon my hands.....that's right folks....I said MY hands! Yeah....can you guess who ripped that bad boy out of there?
This is why when Super Dave is in town, one does not rush in with the dust rag! He really knows how to mess a place up!
Another fine image of our upper level floor GONE! Check out how much lower than the doors the upper floor USED to be.
Okay, now we are talking serious stuff here. All the floor joists have been removed and the entire upper floor is G-O-N-E!
The view from below.......before the floor joists were gone.
Another fine pic of Super David San Diego!
We are starting to remove the old floor joists in this pic.
Labels: Look out belooooooowwww
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