Our 1896 Folk Victorian

TO VIEW START TO FINISH, START AT THE BOTTOM (Which is oldest post) This house belongs to Dave and Jonna Pierce.

Friday, September 11, 2009

FOR SALE!!! We're too pooped to pop!

That's right, stick a fork in us -- we're done! If you've been following this blog, this beautiful home that was once an ugly beast is now for sale! You can contact Dan Yelland @ GMAC Real Estate for the details or for a viewing of this home @ (641) 892-4652. If you'd like to view the history of this house, please refer to the December 2008 post. She was built in 1895 and is standing tall and proud today and we've gone the extra mile plus about 1000 more to make sure that she will be around to tell her story for many years to come. We are proud of her and she is a comfortable family home with a story to tell. She has character and integrity that you won't likely find again anytime soon. If you have followed my blog, I hope you have enjoyed our journey as much as we have enjoyed sharing it. I've met some wonderful online people and received many glorious comments about this house both online and in real world and I thank you one and all for the encouragement that enabled us to continue the modernization of this wonderful home.

We will soon be off to Atlanta, GA ....who knows "what" we'll find once we get there!

Take care, my friends.
David and Jonna Pierce


  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You need some final pictures!

  • At 5:20 AM, Blogger David Pierce said…

    I agree! I'll try to get to that today. ;-)

  • At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi David...I just came across this blog while I was looking for photos of remodeled folk victorian homes. We are thinking of buying one...how much did you spend on this project?
    blumajestic (at) yahoo (dot) com


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